Roblog Sports

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Hope When Hopeless

Never let go of hope. Hold onto it like it’s your most prized possession, even though no one can ever take it from you.  Even if it's the most irrational, ridiculous hope in the world, never let it go. Even if the rain's pouring down and the dark clouds seem to stretch forever, put your blanket down over the wet grass, carefully set out the food from your basket, and get ready to have the best damn picnic of your life.

Hope is the only thing more powerful than despair. "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that." That famous quote from Dr. King holds true for hope and despair. Even the smallest willingness to let the sunlight of hope cascade down on the dirt of despair can germinate the tiny seed buried underneath it. Eventually, with enough light, that seed will grow into a deeply-rooted flower of optimism that will only gain strength with each sun-filled moment that passes. The buds will bloom and cover what once was dark and gloomy with bright bursts of color.     

The best part is that the seed is inside you. Hope comes from within and it is always there. Nobody can take it away from you, but it can be strengthened. Search for people that make you happy, focus on your spirituality or find whatever brings you joy and comfort and you will have a light that is always shining even when all else is dark.

When others have given up on you, even at that darkest point when you've given up on yourself, the light of hope never extinguishes. It forever burns inside waiting to be brightened by a spark of compassion. People care about you. People you don’t even know. Every second there are people sending out prayers and thoughts for those who need them. These sparks come from everywhere.

But more importantly, you can be the spark. Look your situation straight in the face and say, "I refuse to let you take away my hope. I control it. Not you." No diagnosis, no opinion, no worst-case scenario, no dread, nothing can take it away. It is inside you. You control it. Hope is always there.

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